ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) awareness and pouring ice water on your head

It’s my shit, it’s my shit… I think that’s a song from Gwen Stefani, I can’t stop singing it…

You know the awesome thing about having a blog and blogging in general? You can write anything, anytime.. Yaaaaas! 😀

I was contemplating here about new post, going to Daily Prompt and then WPC for which I had to Google the word – not the first or last time… Searching for ideas, not because I don’t have my own, but because it’s “easier” to just write about topics others are writing about. But it is actually not easier. For me it’s easier to open a “New post” and start to type. I have just left a comment on a post about writing and how it was never problem for me, so I find it strange when I read somewhere to “practice writing”. How can you practice writing?

“Get down and gimme a 20 words starting with S!!”

I don’t know. 😀 How do you practice it? You either do it…or not. And I heard (read) that a lot here on blogs as advice. At school, I could understand why someone couldn’t write their best… You have two hours to figure something out on a given (very boring) topic, it’s stressful and other people are writing around you, it’s not quiet and it generally sucks. But here, I just don’t get the whole practicing scheme. If you want to write, writeeeeee. THAT SIMPLE.

Speaking about what everyone is writing about, DP had a good Prompt few days ago:

“The internet has recently been swept up by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Is there a cause — social, political, cultural, or other — you passionately believe in?” 

I believe in any cause that creates awareness and does good. Really. I don’t pick and choose, although from my personal experience I have some preferences towards some of the causes.

I go against abuse. Any abuse. Bullying in school, bullying through social media, verbal abuse, emotional, physical.


(Unless they have committed some kind of disgusting crime. I don’t have extra empathy for sick behaviors.)

What do I think about The Ice Bucket Challenge?

Many people are negative about it… “Oh, it’s just a trend…” “People are tagging friends just for fun…” “How can people trowing cold water over their heads help someone?” “Why don’t they donate instead?” “How come all these famous people could throw a bucket of ice on them and not donate?”

First of all, it’s a trend. Yes. You are talking about it. Two weeks ago almost nobody affected knew. BAM!

Second, how do you know they didn’t donate? I am absolutely sure they have, only some freak like Stev-O could go and accuse people of not donating. Dude, you give the money and not talk about it, that’s how it’s done. Think. With the one brain cell you have. 😀


Ok so, from my part I feel obligated to inform those of you who still don’t know what ALS is. One blogger in particular made a very good job explaining. I Say Write, the stage is yours:

What is ALS?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurological disease that targets and degenerates motor neurons. These are nerve cells located at the brain, brain stem and spinal cord that give us voluntary control over the muscles in our face, arms and legs.

With ALS, motor neurons become unable to send signals to the muscles causing them to weaken and waste away. ALS patients soon lose the full ability to talk, move and walk. In worst case scenarios, even the lungs are unable to function without a ventilator support causing many to die due to respiratory failure. Although ALS does not impair a person’s mind, heart, and five senses, a patient may still suffer from depression and have difficulty in decision-making and remembering memories. (My edit; That all means that you slowly lose control over your own body until you can’t chew or swallow food for yourself and eventually can’t breathe leading to suffocation. Sound like a worst nightmare not a real disease with progress rate 3 years from diagnose. )

What are the symptoms?

ALS starts out very quietly. The symptoms are so subtle that a person may tend to overlook them. Here are some telltale signs of ALS:

  • Cramps and muscle twitches
  • Stiff, tight muscles
  • Weakening of the arm and leg muscles
  • Slurred, nasal speech
  • Trouble chewing and swallowing
  • Struggling to do simple tasks like writing, handling utensils, or buttoning shirts (upper motor neuron damage)
  • Sudden awkwardness in walking, tripping over your own feet, and stumbling on flat surfaces (lower motor neuron damage)

Know the signs and raise the alarm immediately once spotted. Go to the nearest doctor for a complete check-up and ECG. Although the appearance of both upper and lower motor neuron signs may be a strong indication of ALS, some symptoms may be caused by a different disease. The earlier tests are conducted, the better to save a life.

Krucina ALS1pic3

Treatment for ALS
The cause and cure for ALS is not yet known. Continuous research is being done to test new drugs and learn more about this neurodegenerative disease. Currently, there is only one FDA-approved drug called Riluzole that is being administered to ALS patients. Although it does not reverse the damages already inflicted by ALS, it does slow down its progression. Coupled with physical therapy and use of special equipment, patients are also given other medicines that relieve pain, reduce fatigue, ease cramps and promote uninterrupted sleep to make them more mobile and comfortable.

Once diagnosed with ALS, a person is given an average life expectancy of 3 to 5 years. But each case is as unique as the person. As supporting technology improves and continuous medical research yields more answers, an ALS patient can still live actively and productively for even 10 to 20 years more. More importantly, the unending support and love a patient’s family and friends together with the ALS community are priceless gems improving their quality of life.


Ice bucket or not, I hope I have helped at least to share some information and awareness about ALS. 

Stay strong and hold on!

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2 thoughts on “ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) awareness and pouring ice water on your head

  1. If you’re just writing for yourself and not an audience, I agree that practice is a dumb idea. In fact, practice might actually be counterproductive because it would make your writing too calculated and less of what you’re really feeling.

    However, I have a quote by Robert Graves for you to turn over in your mind:
    “There’s no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting.”

    Not sure if I totally agree or even understand especially because the professor who introduced me to this quote also handed me back a paper that I wrote in one sitting (and never edited at all) with the comment “One of the best papers in the class” #irony

    1. I agree with you… I don’t get the practice. Maybe they mean, practice writing to get familiar with your style, or even get aware or develop your style?

      Exactly the same happened to me… When I wrote from me, being me, and letting the thoughts flow on the paper I got the best grades and response. Now I do it because other way seems fake to me. I like to be proud on my posts and that does not happen if I censor myself.

      I get that you can’t have inspiration to write, it happens to everyone, and is probably stressful if you have a book you have to finish by certain date.

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