Happy Earth Day :)


It is spring here in full bloom, and I know I am not here. Maybe even you noticed my dear blogger friends. πŸ˜‰

I have lots and lots of great photos I made but this beautiful green scenario that is going on outside my windows is keeping me away from computer. Not that I complain, and rest assure that I will be back. In Schwarzenegger’s voice. Just so you know how serious I am. πŸ˜€

But, I could not miss the chance to somehow pay tribute to Earth Day, celebrating something kind of important. You know, nothing big, just our home in this universe. πŸ˜‰ Here is the post from last year, where you can find out about meditation page Master Shift. There is no bad day to find out about them honestly, so let it maybe be today. πŸ™‚ LAST YEAR POST

So, enjoy, have fun, LIVE FOR TODAY because that is all we really have.

Love ya,


Easter Blur


Weekly Photo Challenge: Blur

Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating. And to all of you who are not. πŸ˜‰

I was raised very religiously. Catholic. Easter is now a holiday when we eat a lot of traditional food made for this occasion. Easter then was a sequel to many visits to the church, holy sacraments and thinking about suffering, sacrifice, love, loss, forgiveness.

I am thinking a lot lately about my childhood. I’m going back in my mind to places and situations that defined me and defined some of the challenges I am facing today. I’m going back in order to go forward. I think I’m at a crossroad, many of which we encounter. Is it a crossroad if there is no more roads than one? I still feel like things are changing and about to change. And I welcome the change. It was long waited. πŸ™‚

This is my 365th post. Wow. Never thought there would be this many…

And the next second the moment was gone | Ephemeral


And the next second the Sun was behind the horizon.


Balloon is filled with a bit of helium. Cat is confused. πŸ˜€ (On the balloon it says “Happy Birthday”)

IMG_0358It looked like a storm is coming but the clouds just passed through. (My favorite thing in this photo is the nest you can see in the branches of a tree. Spring is coming and the birds are coming back. Taken today.)


And finally, my photo of the eclipse taken on a home-made projector from paper. I eliminated light sources in the photo. This, ladies and gentleman is the Solar eclipse of 2015. πŸ˜‰

Weekly Photo Challenge: Ephemeral

Where are my glasses?

This is from Marilyn’s post, but it could oh so easily be mine. πŸ™‚

I lost my prescription sunglasses during the wild and crazy weeks of October 2014Β during which we wereΒ on the road mostΒ of the time. I don’t know precisely when they vanishedΒ or where.

OK, I took third and fourth sentence but I felt it needed some explanation. I don’t feel the need to include this in my post, since every half an hour my sentence in real life is “Where are my glasses?”

I am a member of “I lose my glasses AT LEAST three times a day” group on Facebook, it is THAT serious. And, in fact I don’t have them on right now. Where are they?

Just a sec…

Found them. On a table. Three rooms away.

So, If by any chance I end up on a road for some time, this sentence could became mine.

Also, I found incredible page with stunning photos every day which have provided my curious mind with incredible photos of a Solar Eclipse from few days ago. Do check it out if you like awesome stuff: APOD.nasa


Peace out. Ivy ❀

Solar Eclipse 20.03.2015.

Hey! I really had to come here just to post this, I would not be me if I didn’t. πŸ˜€

Tomorrow is a Solar Eclipse!

source: timeanddate.com

AND it is visible in Europe! For the first time since 1999.! Which I remember, by the way. πŸ™‚ That does not mean that there were no Solar Eclipses in between (2006., 2011.) but none as visible as the one in 1999.


Here is the map of where it will be visible and I think you can get the info of when at your local online media.


And now, lets get more sciency. Is that a word? Now it is. πŸ˜‰

What causes a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens whenever the new moon passes in front of the sun, and the moon’s shadow falls on our planet. A solar eclipse is only possible at new moon because that’s the only time whereby the moon to go in front of the sun, as seen from Earth. Most of the time, however, the new moon either swings north or south of the solar disk, so no eclipse of the sun takes place.

Why new moon? On the day of new moon, the moon rises when the sun rises. It sets when the sun sets. It crosses the sky with the sun during the day. (source: earthsky.org)


Protect your eyes.

Do not look directly at the Sun. 😦 It causes permanent damage to your eye and possible blindness. That is no fun. That’s why you can look at the Solar Eclipse through glasses design for it and better telescopes with filters design for it. Also, you can catch a glimpse through a glass covered in carbon black, but that is not recommended. The best way to look at it is to make your projector. It is simple and instructions are here: MAKE YOUR PROJECTOR

Oh I can’t wait for professional photos of tomorrows Solar Eclipse and images from ISS (International Space Station) πŸ˜€

Orange. What was first, the color or the name?


I love taking photos like this one… When I don’t have to do ANY editing whatsoever, none. πŸ™‚

Also, I totally like the orange theme! It seems that I am surrounded with it since I saw it everywhere when I read this week’s theme for DPchallenge.

Enjoy in my gallery of “orange” while I go and eat one 😎

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Orange you glad it’s photo challengeΒ time?.”

White and Lilac


Some things are new, even though we know they are coming. Spring is coming, but knowing that does not diminish the fact that I love to see spring flowers blossom… It’s magical. I had to take few with me from the meadows of white and lilac waking flowers (saffron).

Here I Am.


I completely understand why famous people love to have their hand print made. It’s so powerful. Like you did something important, left your trail… πŸ™‚

Although mine imprint is in snow I hope I will make some real difference in my life and lives of people around me, maybe even for people I don’t know all around the world. It’s cool to think about it.

This is an entry for WPC: Depth and below is entry for Scale.

Is it a underwater photo? How big it is?

You probably know what it is because of the photo above, but it’s still fun to imagine. πŸ˜‰


Btw, I am better. πŸ™‚