Skin color obbsesion

Guess what I did for a couple of hours today?

OK, you can probably guess from the title. πŸ™‚

I did what I NEVER did before in my life. I was checking up my skin color via internet. And I was not let down. If you have already did this, you know just HOW MANY pages exist on the place I call Zee Intertnetz. Let me tell you how much. A whole lotta too much.

I was overwhelmed.

My thought process went from oh, let me just take this quiz, to “What the actual hell they are talking about?!” As a person who grew up in a place where 99% of the people fit into a certain category, my view comes mostly from seing tourists visiting. Hence – not having the need to focus on that topic. A privilege.

So, I am in no position to talk about this topic.


Much of this post has been deleted since it was an unintentional asshole. I turn to people who actually know what they are talking about:

Comedian and talk show host Trevor Noah does amazing job by using smart humor. Check him out and you won’t be sorry. πŸ™‚



Twitter? Sorry no I don’t eat that


I realized today that I have been ignoring the existence of Twitter for so long I had to check up how to write Twitter πŸ˜‚Β It is a thing here in Balkans, we just DON’T tweet. We do FB, yup, we do Instagram, oh yeah we do YouTube but but but but we do not do Twitter. MySpace was more popular here than tweeting lol. Also there is a second problem with it, we LOOOOOOVE to talk. By we I mean the region, Croats, Bosnians & Herzegovinians, Serbs, Montenegrians… Talking is how we do life. If your family is quiet and you live on Balkans, congrats to you! That is maybe also a reason we have to remind ourselves to use Twitter, and companies here kinda force it (but it is just not working)…

You see? Even their bird says only “tweet”!

How am I supposed to fit my thoughts in 140 letters??? Wait, is it 140 or 160? …….It’s 140, I checked. 😊 #proud

I started to write this on Twitter and got into -300 something before I looked up and saw it. Nope, there is no way I can say/write everything that’s on my mind right now in 140 letters. Man, even WordPress is not on my side today!Β You see? You see how long is this post already?Β 

Despite all the problems I am facing I am ready to act. I love love all of guys and girls and no I haven’t forget about you, and I love writing, making you and me happy, inspiring, telling just how it is, making challenges, completing weekly and daily Prompts…


  • PHOTOGRAPHY IF YOU ARE INTO IT – the feedback is much encouraged πŸ™‚

Damm I write so slow on my – oh so not English keyboard – gotta get my game on, get my typing on mad like it was before.


Okidoki Artichoky

Can you pronounce the title?

(okey-doukey arti-choky)

I say this quite often. πŸ˜€ Maaaaybe, just maybe I’ll film myself saying it, huh?…. Yesterday was kinda awesome, because I dared and opened YouTube editor for the first time. WHOA! πŸ˜‰Β Played with it some time, and all I can say is that – I WANT MORE!

I want to learn editing so bad…. Has anything stop you lately from doing what you want to do?Β If it did, I get you. I get you real bad. Past three years was/are something I need to wrap my head around in a way that I can learn and respect the balance of my wishes and limitations at the moment. A moment of three years I guess?

I remember hearing this song when you could hear cool music only by listening to radio with a tape ready to record something you like. Or buy audio tapes. I got goosebumps when I heard this song for the first time, I remember that exact moment and situation. I was about 12 and I was laying down in bed I was sharing with my sister in an old small house. I starred at the ceiling and this song gave me hope. I felt I could see the sun he was waiting. Β Music does that to me… It can switch my mind towards the good feelz. What do you do to overcome something traumatic for you? What helps you? I honestly want to know… πŸ™‚

My baby blog has been neglected for some time and I can not tell you how much I am grateful right now. I CAN WRITE!!! So freaking awesome… ❀


Now there are “few” things stopping me from going in GO mode, and I respect that. I am just so extremely glad I am not in a hospital anymore and that I finally can watch at computer screen without getting a migraine five minutes after. Yay!Β I have also ignored social media and let me just tell you how liberated I feel being away from Facebook for 99% of my time. It really changed my priorities and got me off of that “check out FB” routine all the way. Life is better with as less facebooking as possible. Is facebooking a word? Well, now it is πŸ˜€ I super duper ignored other social networks that are available too. I was really on with my offline mode – party coz I just couldn’t go online physically and mentally, before you think I have that strong will power hahaha…


  • PHOTOGRAPHY IF YOU ARE INTO IT – the feedback is much encouraged πŸ™‚

I sincerely hope we get to chatting real soon, I missed you! ❀

Keep your chin up! Love ya

Whoa! My second blogoversary!

I am having huuge problems with my laptop, both with hardware AND internet. Kinda like in offine life also at the moment πŸ˜€ :/ ❓ ❗ ⭐ …so have some minions singing “happy birthday” in their unique way. πŸ™‚

This platform means a lot to me and I say, in Swarzenegger’s voice:

I’ll be back.

Soul remedy

I am honest here on my blog so much. Brutally I think. I do not censor myself, but because I want and tend to focus on overcoming problems rather than “bitching” about them, the tone of my blog is loving. πŸ™‚

In real life I wish I can say more of what I really think, specially on social networks, but I don’t. The reason is simple. I think they (people who I don’t know from the social network) do not deserve my honest opinion and I am dragging myself into a fight with no real knifes. Virtual fights for me are like that, just draining energy and not really resolving anything. Also, I have this sentence I learned somewhere along the way in college with me in many situations. It says: Make your words soft, because you just might have to eat them one day. I think you get the analogy. πŸ™‚ With people in my life I am honest most of the time. The time I am withdrawing from telling them something is when I KNOW my words won’t come through.

On another topic, for some unknown reason, my mind is enjoying in USA country music these days (?). Do not ask, I have no idea… I hardy ever listen to it, just because I am not exposed to it like I am to mainstream pop. But, today I have a song (or two) stuck in my head that are just beautiful.

First one is from Sam Hunt – Take your time. I absolutely love the song and the message and the video. Just… He loves her so much that he doesn’t necessarily want to be with her, but rather for her to be happy.

Second one is something opposite. Summer light flirt/love brings out for me thinking about butterflies in my stomach, summer warm skin and short dresses, looks when the words are not needed because you know…and he knows. πŸ™‚ Also, I know Blake from The Voice USA (I think) so this is cool, watching him “do his thing”.

The last one is also amazing. Girl crush is nothing you think when you hear the title, but reminded me how much homosexuality is still a taboo in this genre of music. Still, beautiful song.

In the light of all of this, I leave you to enjoy and browse more if you please. πŸ™‚

It is all green here (trees and grass) and warm, and I love it. After a period of three weeks of some difficult time for me concerning my health and a lot (like 99%) of it spent in bed I am feeling better and I am looking forward to going more outside, writing here, chilling… Β Probably inspiring also, because when you have ups&downs you learn. You constantly learn actually. And it is hard to stay patient and not be frustrated with things not going “as you planned”. It is normal, but I TRY to keep that negativity of frustration and bitterness as further as I can, simply because it does nothing for me. I just feel angry. Me being angry does not change the situation, just changes my mood. And keeps me in that twilight zone of feeling helpless and focusing on the negative. So, I let myself feel what I feel but I try and not let these feeling spiral into a circle that does not help me, at all. I hope you understand what I am saying, because I know everyone goes through something they wish would just pass, or pass by them. But it doesn’t. So, hold your chin up my champions. πŸ˜‰

Love you ❀

Happy Earth Day :)


It is spring here in full bloom, and I know I am not here. Maybe even you noticed my dear blogger friends. πŸ˜‰

I have lots and lots of great photos I made but this beautiful green scenario that is going on outside my windows is keeping me away from computer. Not that I complain, and rest assure that I will be back. In Schwarzenegger’s voice. Just so you know how serious I am. πŸ˜€

But, I could not miss the chance to somehow pay tribute to Earth Day, celebrating something kind of important. You know, nothing big, just our home in this universe. πŸ˜‰ Here is the post from last year, where you can find out about meditation page Master Shift. There is no bad day to find out about them honestly, so let it maybe be today. πŸ™‚ LAST YEAR POST

So, enjoy, have fun, LIVE FOR TODAY because that is all we really have.

Love ya,


Solar Eclipse 20.03.2015.

Hey! I really had to come here just to post this, I would not be me if I didn’t. πŸ˜€

Tomorrow is a Solar Eclipse!


AND it is visible in Europe! For the first time since 1999.! Which I remember, by the way. πŸ™‚ That does not mean that there were no Solar Eclipses in between (2006., 2011.) but none as visible as the one in 1999.


Here is the map of where it will be visible and I think you can get the info of when at your local online media.


And now, lets get more sciency. Is that a word? Now it is. πŸ˜‰

What causes a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens whenever the new moon passes in front of the sun, and the moon’s shadow falls on our planet. A solar eclipse is only possible at new moon because that’s the only time whereby the moon to go in front of the sun, as seen from Earth. Most of the time, however, the new moon either swings north or south of the solar disk, so no eclipse of the sun takes place.

Why new moon? On the day of new moon, the moon rises when the sun rises. It sets when the sun sets. It crosses the sky with the sun during the day. (source:


Protect your eyes.

Do not look directly at the Sun. 😦 It causes permanent damage to your eye and possible blindness. That is no fun. That’s why you can look at the Solar Eclipse through glasses design for it and better telescopes with filters design for it. Also, you can catch a glimpse through a glass covered in carbon black, but that is not recommended. The best way to look at it is to make your projector. It is simple and instructions are here: MAKE YOUR PROJECTOR

Oh I can’t wait for professional photos of tomorrows Solar Eclipse and images from ISS (International Space Station) πŸ˜€

Happy Birthday to Me…

Naaah, I’m just kidding! πŸ˜€ I am not sad, quite the opposite. Plus, you did not think I wouldn’t make a post about my B Day??


I am already enjoying in last few hours and feeling like a birthday girl thanks to my lovely family and boyfriend, I am chillin’ and feeling a bit excited I will admit! Have no idea why tho… Must be the chocolate rush. πŸ˜‰

So you can see what I am talking about;


Food porn!

My date of birth is actually very special this year. Don’t believe me? Check it out;

EPIC! πŸ˜‰

Plus, fun fact; I have the same birth day as Albert Einstein. Hihihihihihi πŸ™‚

For some reason listening to Iggy Azalea gets me pumped up right now, so I’ll see ya!Β Have tons of fun and rest this weekend, that is my birthday wish for you! ❀

Cute in the cold.

It is rainy/cloudy outside and I am sick again! I have a cold and it sucks.

Bu. 😦

Before I go straight to bed with my tea, I want to share something.

It is first, ok, second day of March, my favorite month. That may or may not be because my birthday is in 2 weeks. Hehe. πŸ™‚

So. TRYING to tone down the little irritated voice with cute photos.


Hope it works for you too. Have a great Monday.


The horror of formatting!

I wanted to make a post (long planned) about a decoration I made from scratch from my idea and I needed photos I took. SD card from my camera was messing with me for a while, I couldn’t get it in the camera, we thought the mechanism broke (oh no) and today we got involved a bit more and really tried to see what is happening. After unsuccessful attempts to make the camera recognize the card, I placed it in the laptop. It recognized it last time but now…nope. “Needs formatting”


All Christmas photos, snow photos… Gone. Photos of my decoration…gone. 😦


I have found a tool online that is supposed to recover your lost files so I am waiting for it to scan everything. Thank God on smartphones! I took a lot of photos with them so now I actually HAVE something to show, not in the quality or the way I wanted, but it is a blog-saver. πŸ™‚

Why am I writing this as a response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Use It or LoseΒ It.”? Because there are SO MUCH worse things than this one – like the terrible illness we went through in January and some difficulties now. That was intense. I am actually thinking of getting a flu shot next winter! Being almost 27 yo! I do not want to go through that kind of hybrid flu ever again. Ever.