And the next second the moment was gone | Ephemeral


And the next second the Sun was behind the horizon.


Balloon is filled with a bit of helium. Cat is confused. 😀 (On the balloon it says “Happy Birthday”)

IMG_0358It looked like a storm is coming but the clouds just passed through. (My favorite thing in this photo is the nest you can see in the branches of a tree. Spring is coming and the birds are coming back. Taken today.)


And finally, my photo of the eclipse taken on a home-made projector from paper. I eliminated light sources in the photo. This, ladies and gentleman is the Solar eclipse of 2015. 😉

Weekly Photo Challenge: Ephemeral

Orange. What was first, the color or the name?


I love taking photos like this one… When I don’t have to do ANY editing whatsoever, none. 🙂

Also, I totally like the orange theme! It seems that I am surrounded with it since I saw it everywhere when I read this week’s theme for DPchallenge.

Enjoy in my gallery of “orange” while I go and eat one 😎

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Orange you glad it’s photo challenge time?.”

How do your pets “behave” during the holidays?

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas on 25th December or on 7th January and New Year on 31 December or Chinese New Year (I don’t know the date), or you don’t celebrate anything religious, there is probably a time in your house when something is happening. Something is celebrated and things aren’t like they are rest of the year. Decorations come up, people are coming and going, there is more action and stuff going on than regular… And our pets get in the middle of all this. 😀

My cat is my only pet so far that I really had. Others were more like neighborhood pets when we kids would take care of some stray cat. Kiki was my first experience with cats + Christmas tree. Hahaha… Well. Lets just say we get presents, Kiki gets the big ass tree in the living room. 😀

First few years disasters were inevitable. She was playing with ornaments, getting them to fall of, crash few of the balls who left behind that sad silver magic dust of dead Christmas ball… One year she even knocked down the entire tree! 😀 I don’t know how she did it… But last few years she is showing more interest for the tree itself than the decorations. She had realized that we can’t reach her when she is under the tree so she goes there and munch on it, chewing…well…everything. Us yelling and shoo-ing her away doesn’t do much, she does it anyway when we go to sleep. Like a Santa. A hungry vegetarian Santa who munches on Christmas trees. Now that is a start of a horror movie.

My attempt of capturing the mischievous rascal today. 🙂

Anyhowdilywho… She is more chill with the whole Christmas season. Except – The New Year’s Eve.

We live in a place where people…how do I say it so it doesn’t sound wrong… Like to shoot things. Fireworks. Firecrackers. Firecrackers in a bottle. Rockets. Anything. As long as it’s loud, we do it. I am saying “we” for the sake of the story I don’t do it. I don’t have the time! I have to watch all the fireworks going on 😀


Do not be mistaken – we have an official fireworks going on somewhere in the central square, but we have like thousands of mini fireworks all over the town to gaze upon when the clock hits midnight. For me, that is the best part of New Year’s Eve. For my cat, you guessed right, the worst.

So, we have to take pills from the vet and drug her two times that day so she is a bit sleepy and calmer, otherwise she is hysterical, meowing, panicking and pooping all over the house. It may seem funny but I feel so sorry for her when I see her in such fear. Also, a lot of pets run away, they get scared of the noise. 😦 That is why I am all up for forbidding all the stupid shooting.

Except for the fireworks. 😀

OK, a little less of the fireworks. Fine.

That actually hurt to write.

Early morning she wakes up…


This is my cat Kiki and today, by the special superpower from Daily Post (as if!) I get to tell her something she will understand.

“Stop being so scared. It’s four of us in the house. Every day. That object you have seen 10 times…it’s still the same object. We are not plotting to kill you in your sleep.” 😀

“Oh yeah, waking me up in 5 am… not cool Kiki, not cool.”

She looks like she is really trying to understand me in this photo haha, you think she gets it? 😉

p.s. Again the song inspiration for the title. :mrgreen:


Hey guys, how are you?

Behind me is a very hard weekend.

But, every day I was happy about something and honestly, I don’t know how I fucking do it. Yes, there are times when I just want to sleep everything away and when I cry because I want to be free from pain but I don’t want to go there now.

Let me tell you what made me happy… 🙂

I was with my love, and I don’t mean chocolate 😉

I have three herbal cremes for (against?) pain so I was almost bathing in them and bf helped me every way he could.

I ate an amaaazing tiramisu, it really made my  friday morning.

I discovered that I, in fact, love cinnemon for which I was sure I hate. As a concequence I drank a loooot of tea from apple and cinnemon. A lot. Yumm.

I cuddled with the most cuddly kitty I have ever “met”, my bf cat who is 5 months and is…adorable. She followed me around like a puppy. 🙂

It is now cold outside and it was cloudy/raining for days and it brought even some pretty big storms last week, but today the sun broke through the clouds. I loved it…

Every moment I was feeling better, I cherished. I sang to myself.

I woke up. And I see and I can walk, and talk and hear, and I am loved. It is a blessing. I don’t feel afraid. I feel like this is a new chapter and it is only going better. I know it. 🙂


I am really looking forward to reading all your comments…. ❤

Many faces…


Whaaat? I am gone for a week and WordPress changes the whole publish new post page?!?! :O I am in great shock!


It is only valid that I grace WP with my presence often, so it would not feel the need to change. (I still love you WP!)

And of course, to grace you with cat photos. – What else does one do when being away more than planned?


…Maybe there is one more thing… Yap. Many faces. Tired face – like now. Angry face – like maybe now if I don’t finish this fast. Sad face – if I woke up in the morning and still feel stomach ache. Happy face – if I wake up with no ache. Confused face – if I dream about having no ache but actually having one in reality. Surprised face – when I wake up from that dream. silly face – all the time. Sarcastic face – most of the time. Face – book.

I have a lot of faces as we can all see.. One is that I do in fact have a life (OMG) and I don’t get to post as much as I, in ideal world, would. But I wuv you still.

I’m talking to my blog, what are you looking at? 😉