Easter Blur


Weekly Photo Challenge: Blur

Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating. And to all of you who are not. 😉

I was raised very religiously. Catholic. Easter is now a holiday when we eat a lot of traditional food made for this occasion. Easter then was a sequel to many visits to the church, holy sacraments and thinking about suffering, sacrifice, love, loss, forgiveness.

I am thinking a lot lately about my childhood. I’m going back in my mind to places and situations that defined me and defined some of the challenges I am facing today. I’m going back in order to go forward. I think I’m at a crossroad, many of which we encounter. Is it a crossroad if there is no more roads than one? I still feel like things are changing and about to change. And I welcome the change. It was long waited. 🙂

This is my 365th post. Wow. Never thought there would be this many…

And the next second the moment was gone | Ephemeral


And the next second the Sun was behind the horizon.


Balloon is filled with a bit of helium. Cat is confused. 😀 (On the balloon it says “Happy Birthday”)

IMG_0358It looked like a storm is coming but the clouds just passed through. (My favorite thing in this photo is the nest you can see in the branches of a tree. Spring is coming and the birds are coming back. Taken today.)


And finally, my photo of the eclipse taken on a home-made projector from paper. I eliminated light sources in the photo. This, ladies and gentleman is the Solar eclipse of 2015. 😉

Weekly Photo Challenge: Ephemeral

Orange. What was first, the color or the name?


I love taking photos like this one… When I don’t have to do ANY editing whatsoever, none. 🙂

Also, I totally like the orange theme! It seems that I am surrounded with it since I saw it everywhere when I read this week’s theme for DPchallenge.

Enjoy in my gallery of “orange” while I go and eat one 😎

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Orange you glad it’s photo challenge time?.”

Here I Am.


I completely understand why famous people love to have their hand print made. It’s so powerful. Like you did something important, left your trail… 🙂

Although mine imprint is in snow I hope I will make some real difference in my life and lives of people around me, maybe even for people I don’t know all around the world. It’s cool to think about it.

This is an entry for WPC: Depth and below is entry for Scale.

Is it a underwater photo? How big it is?

You probably know what it is because of the photo above, but it’s still fun to imagine. 😉


Btw, I am better. 🙂

A Cloud Has Landed

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Shadowed.”


I like fog. It is both scary (specially if you’re driving) and fun… You can imagine different scenery around you, different view on the streets you watch every day. The photo is taken 20th November spontaneously, my sis is checking out the weather AND posing without knowing. 🙂

I have caught a bad cold, so I’m off to bed with my tea. Don’t worry, your comments are waiting for me. 🙂 ❤

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays… I saw the life inside



What says new beginning more than a sunrise? New Year. New human life. (Read on the whole post 😉 ) My resolution to post more of my photos here. There is and won’t be nothing “new” about this Year if I don’t choose to make it so. 

I love sunrises and it is somewhat rare for me to see them – I am a night owl most of the time. 🙂 So, these moments are very special, especially because I photographed this sunrise when i woke up and not when I was going to bed after all night making love to the internet. 😀

I took it on December 30. It started snowing here on December 27 and it didn’t stop for two days. So I woke up on December 30 and saw sun rays piercing through my blinds. You can see on my header how much I love sunrises (and sunsets) and you can maybe see comparing the two photos how much more south the Sun rises in the winter.

Also, I have a happy news, another new begining. 😀 My cousin, daughter from my father’s sister gave birth to the cutest baby boy yesterday! ❤ They are both fine and this just feels me with joy hehe 😀


Also, I have been yearning to listen to this song for some reason.

p.s. The title is from the lyrics of the song. 🙂


Summer is gone but however short, it is not forgotten.

While I am waiting for the first snow here (yaaay) I can’t forget summer. Every season has its beauty but summer is the most beautiful to me. 🙂 Although I am pretty pumped up about winter and snow, Christmas, New Year…. AND I do feel veeery excited about spring because my birthday is then and everything is waking up. OK, I love every season (except autumn, cough) and I do like the exchange of them but as soon as I checked out Weekly Photo Challenge I remembered summer. Fine. First thought I had is that I don’t share nearly as enough of my photography here. 😉


This is summer to me this year. Sitting in the grass, enjoying the sun, inhaling the smell of the fresh cut grass mixed with cherry flowers and looking at bright blue sky. ❤

Sleeping bee

Have you ever seen a working bee sleeping? Well you have now! 🙂


I went outside on the balcony one day this summer at my bf place. First I didn’t notice anything, but something caught my eye. I thought it was some kind of insect, because I have never seen a bee so still. My bf neighbor has beehives and he collects honey, so it’s not strange to see them there. It was raining and she hid under the column. She was sleeping (Don’t worry I asked her is she just resting, she did not answer – so she was in fact sleeping, and someone who saw me taking close-ups of a bee probably thinks I’m crazy. So, lets move on… 🙂 )

This photo has a deeper meaning than just what you see. Later, I found out that it was raining during both of the periods bees collect honey (You remember how I was complaining about the constant rain? Well, it turns out I was complaining for the nature! 😉 ) So, the bees couldn’t collect honey from the flowers, and there wasn’t enough flowers to begin with with no sunlight most of the time. The result is that this year we have drastically little amounts of honey in the market – which means that the honey is very expensive and we have to import, and people who are in the business with beehives and selling honey had to make major cuts to achieve the possibility to sell honey AND to leave enough for the bees to survive the winter. Turns out, my complaining about the rain – I was complaining for the economy AND for the people also!!

So… Next time I complain here a lot about something… I advise EVERYONE to listen. :mrgreen:

p.s Did anyone notice the WP changes? I am a bit lost….

p.p.s. Have you noticed the change in my photos? wink wink 🙂