I am a Lovely Khaleesi

I am a Lovely Khaleesi

Those of you who don’t watch Game Of Thrones TV series might not understand the title, so let me explain it. 😀

Khaleesi is a caracter in GoT series, strong female one who is caring and fearless, badass and Mother of dragons. Which is also super badass. I love her caracter, but I haven’t seen the first episode of 4th season, so NO SPOILERS! 😛

Why is this my title anyway? I got not one but two awards from Alienora from ALIEN AURA’S BLOG for which I am very thankful. You really moved me with your explanation of your nominees… I felt like a ⭐

I got the Dragon’s Loyalty Award and One Lovely Blog Award.











Now you get the title. 😉

I also feel like a lovely dragon’s owner. I am kind and very caring but I am fierce when ever I need to be. And I mean – when ever.

I am honored every time I get an award, although I don’t always follow the rules. It’s the rebel in me. So, thank you dear Alienora, I care for you and your writing and I’m glad our paths crossed in WP community. ❤

I leave you with one of my favorite scenes from Game of Thrones, you will see why I like her:

p.s. Oh my God I get goosebumps everytime I see this. 😀

I present to you – Miss Spring 2014

I present to you - Miss Spring 2014

If you treat your cat as a model, it is only a matter of time when she will start acting like one.

I walk in my room.

My lamp is on.

And Kiki like a diva she is, in front of it.

Looking at me.

“C’mon, take a picture. You said you are going to join another Michelle’s Pet Challenges. Do it.

Strike a pose!


DIY: Another denim vest made of a shirt

DIY: Another denim vest made of a shirt

I have done this recently but it just didn’t get to see the blog-light until now.

That is with most of the things that I post, as I already wrote. I just have a folder of photos and bookmarked videos and ideas… That’s just how it goes around here. 😉

So… I made this for a friend of mine from a shirt with long sleeves. I wasn’t sure how it will go considering that it has lace, but it went ok. It took time (three hours I think), but it was with no major problems. When I’m sewing I like to do everything carefully so I don’t have to do it again… And it really takes just a little impatience or not looking and it goes off. So, better three hours than five if I was nervous. And I didn’t want to risk it with lace, because un-sewing what my sewing machine did would not be good.

And there it is. What do you think?

p.s. I am pleased with my knowledge of sewing, since I taught myself through the last year. 😀