Absolute Beauty!

I just HAD to write something to today’s Prompt! I had had had to 🙂

We’ve all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do you agree? Is all beauty contingent on a subjective point of view?

I have been thinking today how all of you are so beautiful in my mind. For most of you I don’t know how you look, what color are your eyes, how much do you weight… I know you by your kind comments, sparkling personality, creative spirit and encouraging nature. AND THAT IS BEAUTIFUL TO ME.

I see you as Supermodels in my head. Like the person other people see as beautiful is not that special to me if she/he doesn’t have the spirit, the soul, the kindness, the humanity.

I feel that so much beauty is hidden from this world because of fear. Fear of facing rejection from who we are. Fear of being mocked. But the most powerful fear is the one in which we don’t accept ourselves and don’t love ourselves. But even if we do, being reject from others still hurts… Despite that, show it!

Just show it! When we show our self, the person we really are, when we share our dreams on a plate to the world what happens is that most of the time world is left speechless. Moved.

Beauty of a dream, beauty of a talent and beauty of strength is so inspirational. So perfect. It is the essence of us and I can’t help but remember the poem I wrote about a pearl inside each of us… Click; Pearl in the Shell


I have a gallery for you… Watch it with this music in the background 😉 JOHN LEGEND – ALL OF ME

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I am so sorry I don’t know the source of every photo here, it’s Google but I don’t have the exact. Beauty is everywhere. 🙂

16 thoughts on “Absolute Beauty!

  1. Pingback: Poem / Poetry – “Love Who You Are” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

    1. Me too… She was so in tune with the music and graceful… 🙂 Thank you, I do think that, that is why I am often to be seen staring at sky while I walk, it’s my never ending inspiration of beauty 😉

      1. Of course you are! 😀 I am happy you liked the slideshow, I was listening to John Legend’s legendary song and I felt like that has to be supported with some images 🙂

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