Only Sixteen

While I was growing up, being told that you are “childish” was an insult in my family. So I was doing my best to grow up as soon as possible, to prove that I am all grown up and not a child in any way. Achieve, don’t feel.

I was sixteen when I was diagnosed with a health disorder. I won’t say what is it, but it isn’t eating one.

I was sixteen when my life broke into pieces. When everything I knew, was no longer.

I was sixteen when I felt completely confused and extremely scared.

I didn’t know… what now?

I didn’t realise that the medical confirmation was not made that day, but days and days before.


That the things I’ve gone through and the life I was living could not be healthy.

I wanted to be “normal” so bad when I was sixteen. But we all do.

I was sixteen and feeling sad.

I was sixteen and though that my life has gone into wrong direction. That it “was not supposed to be like this”.

I was sixteen when I asked for the first time: “Why me, God?”

Little did I know that life does not discriminate.


Sixteen was ten years ago.

A lot has changed.

Love has come.

To stay.

And kick out the fears away.

p.s. Leave a heart in comments as a support, it would mean a lot. šŸ™‚

39 thoughts on “Only Sixteen

  1. Pingback: Playing Adult | pussy has furballs

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    1. Thank you ā¤ Let me know when you do…
      Yeah it was just… Something struck me when I saw the theme, because 15 was good, 17 was great, I figured how to deal with some stuff, and 18,19 was awesome… Twenties were so far been hard but learning and many beautiful things happen. But 16… Sixteen was devastating.

  3. alienorajt

    Oh, bless you, Ivy, what a very sad and touching and sweet post. My heart goes out to you – and I will, of course, put a heart here (if I can work out how to do it!!!) ā¤

  4. Lydia Devadason

    There was bound to be one who didn’t know how to do a heart (and it’s typical that it’s me!) – sorry, but this message is in support šŸ™‚

  5. Your brave to open up and you should find nothing less than listening ears and a welcome cyber embrace. It sounds like you’ve worked through some of what you have and finding love is great. šŸ™‚ congrats! šŸ˜»šŸŒ¹šŸ’ that’s all the hearty romance icons I could find lol. I write about my chronic pain on my itisalonelyplace blog and it took a lot for me to do that but I feel better for having done it xx

    1. Thank you šŸ™‚ Unfortunatelly I only see squares, no hearts šŸ˜¦
      Yeah I know, and I know how much strenght that requires . You know how it is to open up about something you wish would just go away.

      1. < 3 together. I have seen yours on my mobile šŸ™‚ Also, you will need to know how to make a star because I have a new post. šŸ˜‰ It is : star : together.

  6. librarylady

    It’s so good to be able to look back on bad times,after having come out the other side. It may not be gone, but after awhle you learn how to deal better with things. Good for you for writing about this.

    1. Thank you. Yes, this was by far the most difficult post to write and then press publish. Beacuse I am far from that place, but health issues are still with me so I feel vulnerable writing about it.

  7. Hey ,
    Whatever was the illness or problem with you in your 16’s is gone now šŸ™‚
    and now i hope everything is good with you ā¤
    May Allah bless you and your loves ones ameen …
    Super post šŸ™‚

      1. šŸ™‚ Okay now that you know these 3 things are important in life then šŸ™‚ stick to them.
        I will pray for you. Allah is great and HE will help you ameen

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